I’m very proud to have been part of creating Native Instruments Discovery Series India. A exquisite opportunity in which so many of my different passions collided. Fantastic team and a really cool instrument. In addition to percussion groove programming, I produced a couple of the demo tracks and the music for the demo video.
DISCOVERY SERIES: INDIA delivers every nuance of traditional Indian music with supreme authenticity and advanced playability.
Discover the sophisticated rhythms, irregular time signatures, and unique melodic structures of the Indian musical tradition with INDIA.
Play the rhythmic cycles (called ‘talas’) from the onboard groove player. Use these rhythms with the instruments in INDIA, or drag and drop the MIDI files and use them with any software instrument in your contemporary productions. The scales of this musical culture (called ‘ragas’) can be mapped to your keyboard in a number of ways and adjusted to taste for the perfect mood.